A downloadable game

Alright, gather 'round, people! 

There's been a heinous crime in sunny Santa Barbara, and it's up to Shawn Spencer and his best friend Methuselah Honeysuckle to crack the case. Well, first it's up to them to actually get assigned to the case, but THEN it's case-crackin' time.  Actually, no, it'll briefly be chalupa time, followed by nap time depending on how the chalupas settle, THEN--you get the picture.

[Note: You do not have to have watched Psych to play this game. Will it make a ton of sense? Maybe not! But it doesn't need too, as long as you've got immaculate panache you're fine]

For 2-6 players + GM

Requires: one six-sided die, a pen & paper, an encyclopedic knowledge of at least one pop culture fad and/or niche internet microcelebrity.

Psych: The TTRPG is a hack of John Harper’s Lasers & Feelings This game is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA license.

 Ready? Let's do this!

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Authoranica cihla
TagsComedy, Detective, Funny, Mystery, One-page, Tabletop, Tabletop role-playing game


psych: the ttrpg 542 kB


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This looks awesome! Could you explain how one does an "I've heard it both ways" roll to help out?

Absolutely! So, in terms of mechanics, your 'I've Heard It Both Ways" roll needs to succeed based on the number the other person is trying to meet or beat. So if they're aiming for 4 or higher, you can assist them with your own roll. If yours succeeds, they add 1d6 to their dice pool before making their roll. "I've Heard It Both Ways" needs to be declared before the person you're helping attempts their roll. 

Let me know if that helps!


Oh woooooow, thank you! Looking forward to trying this out.

Thanks for checking it out! If you end up playing it, let me know which character you play as 👀